Pool Safety Features You Urgently Need To Consider


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The safety and enjoyment of the entire family rest on your shoulders, and you need to find a way to keep them happy and healthy. If you’re thinking about buying a pool, it seems obvious that safety features should be high up your list when considering the purchase.

There are plenty of safety features available in today’s market, despite there being no legislation forcing pool owners to have any particular type of equipment fitted at all! In fact, many pools come with excellent safety features integrated into their design if they’re built correctly from the ground up. Some items may be added later by either yourself or a professional installer, but the following suggestions will help ensure that you stay within safe limits:

Pool Barrier: The most obvious and necessary safety feature to think about is a pool barrier. This can be an electric fence or a wall or even just low fencing that marks off the actual pool area from the rest of the garden. It’s not only children who fall victim to accidental drowning; adults do too, so make sure it’s always locked and that no one can climb over it either.

Pool Ladders: Ladders always seem a bit clunky and unattractive, but they’re definitely a safety feature worth considering. Pool ladders are the best way to get in and out of the pool, of course, and if there’s nobody who can keep an eye on little ones from outside by the poolside, then it’s not safe to have them any other way. Pool ladders are designed to be childproof, which means they can’t be climbed on or tripped over by inquisitive little people.

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Pool Alarms: For the safety of the elderly and your children, a pool alarm is a definite must. These are linked directly to the main water supply and sound off an almighty racket if they detect that somebody has been submerged for too long or that there’s no movement in the water at all.

Safety Technology: There are anti-entrapment and suction release valves fitted to some pools which will switch off if anything obstructs them. They’re always worth checking out, even though they should be standard in all modern pools. If you’d like to enquire about extra safety features, then reach out and contact a pool installation service for more information.

Pool Certificates: Finally, you should always check for pool safety certificates whenever you’re building a pool or hiring a contractor. Although it’s not compulsory to have one, the Health and Safety Executive recommend that all pools are regularly checked over by professionals to make sure they’re safe for everyone who wants to use them.

Pool safety features are a big concern for all pool owners, and it’s easy to see why. It’s vital that everyone who comes into contact with the water is safe at all times, and every extra safety feature you can add on will help keep your family and friends secure.

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