In 2018 alone, revenue for fencing companies grew 4.2% as more and more homeowners choose to install them. As the owner of a home, you want to create a living place that you and your family can enjoy peacefully, without fear of anybody breaking in or getting injured. While it would be nice to imagine this utopia, in reality, you need to take precautions if you want to ensure that you and your family are safe at all times. One of these precautions is to installing fencing on your property.
For years fencing and walls were incredibly common, falling out of popularity after the Second World War when resources were scarce, and communal living was more frequent. But decades later more and more homeowners are recognizing that it’s time to start installing fences once again out protect ourselves and our families.
What is the Purpose of a Fence?
While a fence can prevent people from coming in, it can do far more than that. Many people choose to install them purely for decorative reasons because they require far less maintenance than a hedgerow or plants while offering the same division. Fences can also keep people in, which is incredibly important if you have children or pets which want to enjoy the yard.
Fences are most commonly used for:
- Privacy
- Protection from intruders
- To keep children safe
- For aesthetic reasons
If you have a pool fencing is vital, and in some areas, it is even required by the law. Accidents happen daily, leading to immense and indescribable tragedy for the family involved and while a fence isn’t going to bubble wrap your family, it can help to prevent many serious incidents.
Otherwise, it can also offer you are your family more privacy especially if you live close to your neighbors and want to be able to enjoy your yard without fear of being overlooked. Fencing can go far above head height meaning that even if your home is down a slope, you can gain a significant amount of shade and privacy from prying eyes.
Pool Fencing
Typically pool fencing surrounds the swimming pool itself, leaving a few feet gap around the coving for people to safely enter and exit the pool. The main purpose of this type of fence is to prevent animals and children from getting access to the pool without supervision and for this reason, it doesn’t need to be much over a few feet tall in most cases.
Similarly, rather than having opaque paneling it’s normally acceptable to use a steel or iron fence which most would agree looks more attractive and it also allows light to get through to those in the pool. This type of fence doesn’t need to be expensive, but it can have a huge impact on the safety of your family, and if you have young children it should be considered a necessity.
Perimeter Fencing
If you’re looking for maximal privacy and safety for your family, the obvious choice is perimeter fencing. As you might be able to guess from the name, it’s designed to wrap around the entirety of your property which means that there are no weak spots for intruders to gain access and your children and pets can use the entire yard with less supervision.
Perimeter fencing is usually completed with opaque paneling, either wood or PVC, because it’s solid and therefore offers privacy but also because it’s relatively cheap when compared to metal alternatives.
Garden Fencing
If you’re planting flowers and other plants, you might have a different reason for wanting to install fencing. While it can be ornate and offer privacy like the fencing from Red Fox Fence, fencing also allows a hard surface for plants like vines to wrap against which is important for their growth. Typically, garden fencing is made out of wood which can be protected against the elements with proofing ingredients.
This wood paneling can then be painted or dyed to whatever color you please, but the most common options include a natural tan wood color and green to blend in with the natural background.
Deer Fencing
When we talk about security and preventing access to your home, you might be thinking primarily of intruders. But in some areas, it’s also incredibly common for large animals like deer, moose, and caribou to sneak into your garden looking for food or to nibble on your plants.
While they are certainly beautiful, they can be a nuisance and will ruin your yard turf if you let them. To keep them at bay and to prevent them from becoming injured, it’s often wise to install deer fencing from popular and trusted sellers such as which is made from a wire mesh that they can easily see and avoid, so it’s safe for them and us.
Decorative Fencing
Finally, many of us choose to install fencing around our property simply because we love the way that it looks. Decorative or ornate fencing is often made out of cast iron or wrought steel which can be bent and shaped to look fantastic throughout your home, and it has the added benefit of being able to divide your yard and keep pets and children from escaping.