The desire to own a home will always be strong and the efforts towards getting onto one will continue till success. However, many individuals often find themselves in very difficult situations as a result of a wrong choice of financing. There are fundamentals of financing and repayment that need to be borne in mind by prospective home buyers. Ignoring the basic criteria is bound to throw up challenges that will be difficult to overcome. Here is a look at what needs to be assessed before an individual opts for buying a home through financing options.
Work Out The Borrowing Power
It is essential for an individual to work out the borrowing power before even looking at options for homes. For instance, an individual who wishes to look for two story house and land packages should first ascertain if he possesses the borrowing power to finance the acquisition. This is ideally worked out by looking at two different dimensions.
The Total Income Earned In The Family
The prospective home buyer needs to look at the total income that can be earned by him/his family. It is possible that the family has a joint income with both the spouses working, or there could be income from rentals or additional business interests/investments. This needs to be worked out and the tax component needs to be first deducted to arrive at the actual income at the disposal of the family.
The Total Expenses Of The Family
This needs to be carefully calculated. The total expenses should typically not be restricted to the present expenses, but should also include anticipated expenses. For instance, if the children in the family are expected to enter college the following year or in the near future, then the same needs to be factored in as a variable. However, for the purpose of reference, the expenses will typically cover all the household expenses, car loan repayments, credit card repayments or any other liabilities.
Depending on the income of the household and the expenses it is possible to understand the borrowing power, which can be used towards financing the home. This involves understanding the requirement of loan and the ability to repay it, considering the income and expenses.
Calculate The Loan Repayment
The loan repayment needs to be calculated to understand the borrowing power. For instance, if the prospective home owner wishes to avail a loan of x amount, and intends to repay it over a period of y months, this needs to be checked with the income and expenses of the household. If the loan repayment amount fits into the gap between income and expenses, you can look forward to moving into your new home without problems. It is also necessary to bear in mind that typically income levels are expected to grow over time.
Many financing schemes are generally on offer, and it would be prudent to choose a builder who assists with flexible financing schemes that offer the best deals in terms of interest and repayment options.