How to Turn Your Boring Bedroom Into an Interior Designer’s Dream


Interior Designer’s Dream

Bedrooms are supposed to be our cradle of peace and privacy, our personal space away from the world. And because you spend more time here while at home, it wouldn’t hurt to make it more lively. You know, add a little color here and there so it doesn’t look like you’re stuck in a hospital room or someplace boring.

If you want to start your little decorating project, but have no idea where or how to begin, you’re in the right place. Check out these 7 easy-to-follow tips and ideas to turn your bedroom into an interior designer’s delight.

1. Start with your color choice

Start with your color choice
Color plays an important part in setting the mood in your room. You want to feel calm, serene, and safe while you’re hanging out in your personal area at home, so you’ll want to stick with subtle colors instead of primary ones to catch these cozy vibes you’re aiming for. Some great bedroom colors are monochromatic shades such as lavender, soft blue, light grey, mint or soft green.

You may also want to mix-and-match warm and cool colors from the color wheel to balance the tone and effect of the colors in your room. You can incorporate these opposing colors on your wall, ceiling, bedding, pillows, and other furniture to enjoy both the cozy and intimate vibes of warm colors (like red and yellow) and the added illusion of space exuded by cool colors (like blue and green).

But, if you want to stick with a neutral color, you can add some popping colors as accents. For instance, you can place some beige-colored pillows to accentuate your grey wall.

2. Dedicate a small space for reading or lounging

Dedicate a small space for reading or lounging
To add more fractions of your personality, and have a dedicated space for lounging aside from the bed, a private nook is a must-have bedroom addition for you. It could be in the corner or on the side with the grace of the windows to provide some background of the sky or the garden.

You can add a chair or bean bag, place a little shelf or desk against the wall, add some accent like a small flower vase or a reading lamp, and you’re all set.

3. Surround yourself with art

Surround yourself with art
What better and simpler way to spruce up your bedroom than to invite more artistic works to your personal confine?

To help you choose the perfect art to display in your room, just stick with a theme in mind. For example, if you want to go for a vintage theme, choose paintings or any other form of art that teleports you back to the swing and jazz and the simple-yet-golden times.

You can also choose a painting that’s different from your overall color theme to give more accent to your room.

If you want to make your art personal, try making a gallery wall full of your personal photographs. Simply choose the best and most personal photos from your collection and print them out. Just make sure to print them with an inkjet printer like the MG5750 from Canon and use a premium-quality photo paper. This is to ensure you create long-lasting photographs for your gallery wall.

Once the photos are printed out, you can use colorful push pins instead of tape or adhesive when attaching them to the wall. Alternatively, you can buy those ribbons used for scrapbooking and clip your pictures in there to avoid damaging your walls. You can wrap the ribbon into two push pins to attach them to a wall.

4. Hang more mirrors

Hang more mirrors
Want to make your bedroom look spacious but have no more room to do so? Mirrors can help you with that by bringing an illusion of space, thanks to their reflective surfaces.

Mirrors can also add some lighting to your bedroom. If you went with a lighter shade for your bedroom walls, the added lighting from your mirror can reduce your need to turn on the lights during the day. To get the most natural light, try placing a mirror in front of the windows.

The best thing about mirrors is that you can place them anywhere in the room without looking like an awkward piece of furnishing. You can hang one in the headboard area of your bed or lean it against the wall on top of your dresser or desk.

5. Bring your ceiling to life

Bring your ceiling to life
If you’re tired of staring at that white blank space above you while in bed, it’s time to splash some design to your ceiling.

You can always go with painting the ceiling with the color you chose for the walls to make the whole room look finished and cozier. If you don’t feel like using paint, you can add a wallpaper instead. You can opt for a plain one or those with subtle patterns.

If you’re looking to add just a little touch-up instead of the whole ceiling makeover, chic lighting like a chandelier is also good. You can also attach a canopy to your bed and onto the ceiling to give your sleeping space some cozy, bohemian feels.

6. Dress your windows

Dress your windows
Want to make your bedroom feel cozier and serene? Adorn your windows with curtains. If you value natural light more than vanity, you can opt for light-fabric curtains like lace. Otherwise, you want those heavy-looking, floor-length type of curtains to add more luxury and interior statement in your bedroom.

7. Make your room “greener”

Make your room greener
Not only can plants add more life to your bedroom’s interior, but they can help purify the air and relieve stress, making your bedroom a more suitable place for relaxation. Indoor plants are known to help purify the air and act as stress relievers for some people.

When choosing what plants to bring to your room, consider the flow of natural light inside. You’ll be torn between plants that can survive in low light or those that require more sun exposure. Plants falling in the former category are ivy, snake plant, anthurium, and spider plant. For plants that need more light, you can go with croton, aloe vera, jade plant, or hibiscus.

Succulent plants like cactus are also good options, especially when adorning small spaces like your nightstand.

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