How to Set Up a Designated Home Office Space With a Minimalist Look


Home Office Space With a Minimalist Look

Working from the comfort of your home always seemed like an impossible dream, until the COVID-19 pandemic made it a reality for us. However, now that we’re working from home, many of us seem to lose interest in our work quite easily. One of the main reasons behind this feeling is the fact that most of us don’t have a designated workspace. Hence, in this post, we’ll take a look at how you can set up a home office with a simple and minimalist appeal.

Pick a room with windows

Create your office space in a separate room, not in one corner of your bedroom or living room. Make sure the room has one or two windows and access to natural lighting. Instead of using regular curtains for the windows, use roller blinds for a simpler and more formal look.

If you don’t have the luxury of using an entire room for your home office, you can establish the designated work environment in a quiet and isolated corner of the house. You could even set up your office inside your shed or attic if those options are available.

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Ensure privacy

You must be able to enjoy complete privacy inside your office. It should be treated as a separate part of the house. Restrict access to this space; don’t just allow anyone to walk into your office. Instead, they should respect the workspace you’ve created and give you the privacy you need. 

The whole purpose of this designated work area is to make sure that you can get some work done in peace without any sort of disturbance or interference from anyone. Hence, you should establish this idea in their minds and make sure that they ask for permission before entering the room.

Get a proper table and a comfy chair

It’s really difficult to get your work done when you’re not feeling comfortable. That being said, even in a work-from-home setting, you should never work in bed. Instead, set up a proper table-chair arrangement in your office and take all your work over there.

You don’t need a fancy executive desk for your home office. A simple table, that has enough room for your computer and other necessary stationery, will do just fine. The chair must be able to support your back properly. It should be simple, but also comfortable. 

Use simple colors for the walls

For a minimalist look, you should consider using minimalist colors for your office walls. Avoid anything that looks funky or overly done. Instead, take a more minimalist approach and use light and bright colors. Pale or faded colors are also widely used to bring out that minimalist appeal. You could even use darker shades for the walls; just make sure that they don’t make the room look dark or devoid of natural lighting. 

Avoid using any sort of wall stickers; they won’t look good in a minimalist environment, especially one that’s being used as an office space.

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Keep the decor simple

A minimalist interior should have a simple look. And to ensure this simplicity, you must keep the decor simple, and limited in terms of quantity. A few potted plants, photo frames, or simple decor items should be sufficient for your office. Don’t get too excited about the decor. If you overdo it, the whole minimalist appeal will start to fade away.

Make sure everything is kept organized

Apart from keeping the decor as simple as possible, you must also keep the room organized. Nothing should appear to be out of place. Don’t keep things lying around; once you’re done using it, take it back to the place it belongs. Your table should also look organized and not messy. No matter how long and hard you work, you should always find the time to arrange your desk and make sure it’s organized.

You should also keep the office space neat and clean. In a minimalist interior, dust is quite easy to notice. Hence, if you let it accumulate for too long, the whole room will look and feel dirty. Besides, it’s much more convenient to work in a clean and dust-free environment than one that’s unclean and dirty.

Avoid eating, drinking, and sleeping in the designated space

You should treat your home office as if it were your regular office or workspace. Hence, you shouldn’t use it for purposes other than work. Avoid eating, drinking, and sleeping over there. Don’t get too comfortable in your workspace just because it’s inside your house. If you keep doing so, it’ll ruin the whole idea of having a designated workspace. Thus, you must use that space only for working and nothing else.

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