How to Save Money on Home Heating In Champaign, IL


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Folks living in colder climates, especially during winter, inevitably have to deal with increasing utility bills. Of course, you need to keep yourself and your home warm during this time of the year, or else you’ll shiver all day, get frostbites, or even sick. Hence, turning on the heater is of utmost necessity as the winter cold creeps into your dwelling. 

Folks living in colder climates, especially during winter, inevitably have to deal with increasing utility bills. Of course, you need to keep yourself and your home warm during this time of the year, or else you’ll shiver all day, get frostbite, or even get sick. Hence, turning on the heater is of utmost necessity as the winter cold creeps into your dwelling. 

But is it okay with you that you spend so much on your energy bill during winter? Most likely not. So, it’s time for you to learn how to save money on home heating costs. 

How Can I Save Money on Heating Costs?

If you want to know how to reduce heating costs in your home, you need to get smart about it. Here are some common save-money home heating strategies to keep in mind. 

  • Make sure that your HVAC system is running efficiently because it’s the appliance that utilizes the most energy in your house. You have to check the filters regularly and see if there’s dirt inside. Dirty filters cause the heating system to work harder and use more energy. You can remove the dirt from the filters or replace the old filters with new ones. If you don’t have time for that, hire a professional to do the maintenance
  • Check the windows, doors, floorboards, holes, and crevices that allow warm air to escape outside. Keep in mind that warm air is precious during the cold weather, and you’re paying for it. 
    • So, you must install draft blockers or draught-proofing strips on your windows and doors. 
    • For the floorboard gaps, insert a silicone filler to prevent the warm air from leaking outside and the cold air from coming inside your house. 
  • If saving money on heating costs is your goal, you should install a smart thermostat. You can set the smart thermostat to lower the temperature when you’re asleep or not present at home. This device has sensors to learn your routine and switch the temperature in your house to its desired setting automatically.
  • Inquire to your utility company whether they offer incentives or rebates for energy upgrades. This way, you can cut the costs of your heating bill. 

Why Is My Heat Bill So High?

From the solutions mentioned above, you might probably guess why your heating bill is so high. Well, one of the biggest reasons the cost of your heating goes up is clogged HVAC filters. 

That’s why it’s necessary to do maintenance to your HVAC system regularly. Other culprits are leaks or damaged insulation, which allow warm air from your heating to escape outside. 

Old-school thermostats may also be a problem with your pricey heating bill because they don’t come with automatic or AI-controlled temperature adjustments. It’s recommended to switch to modern thermostats to boost energy efficiency and reduce home heating costs. 

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How Can I Save Money on Heating in Winter?

Here’s how to save energy on heating during the winter season: 

  • Use a humidifier to add warmth around your house and keep your heating system controlled. During summer, we try to remove the humidity in the air, but in winter, increasing the humidity levels is essential to have moist air that holds heat. 
  • A space heater provides warmth to small, closed-off areas in your house. They are energy-efficient because there’s no heat loss through combustion or ducts. This device also allows you to turn off the primary heater for a certain period. 
  • Use a ceiling fan with a reverse switch that allows it to turn clockwise, generating an updraft and circulating the warm air around your ceiling into the entire room. 
  • Layer up your clothing to keep you warm during the winter. You can wear extra socks or sweaters inside your home while keeping the thermostat low. 
  • You can open the blinds and curtains during the day to let the sunbeams into your home. The sun provides free heat even in winter. 

Does Leaving the Heating on Save Money?

The debate on whether leaving your heating on at a low level permanently will save you money depends on a few factors. For instance, if your home insulation is old or not that good, it’s a bad idea to turn your heating system on all the time. So, upgrade your home insulation first, and try keeping your heater on low for a certain period.

Will Electricity Prices Go Up In 2022?

According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, residential electricity prices in 2022 will average 14.2 cents per kilowatt-hour. This is 3.8% higher compared to 2021. The reason behind this is the rising cost of natural gas for power generation. 


There are many ways to cut down the cost of your home heating. Just do your research and get advice from experts on the matter. It’s good to start practicing the tips mentioned in this blog to save money on heating your house. 

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