How to Repair Concrete Driveway Crack


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Taking care of your concrete driveway prolongs its longevity. Filling the crack saves your driveway from crumbling. Read the guide and follow the simple steps of filling the concrete driveway crack to make the driveway look attractive.

Why are concrete driveway cracks?

If your driveway is cracked and you want to repair it, you need to inspect the area. Inspection of the driveway gives you the answer to why it is cracking? If you find any issue in the installation or construction, you need to replace it instead of spending on the repair.

There are several reasons why concrete driveways may develop cracks over time. Here are some of the most common reasons:


As the soil underneath the driveway shifts or settles, it can cause the concrete to crack. This can happen due to changes in moisture levels, temperature, or other environmental factors.

Freeze-thaw cycles 

In colder climates, water can seep into small cracks in the concrete and freeze. When water freezes, it expands, which can cause the cracks to widen and deepen over time.

Heavy loads 

Over time, heavy vehicles, such as trucks or RVs, can put a lot of stress on the concrete driveway, causing it to crack or even break apart.

Improper installation 

If the concrete driveway is not installed correctly, it may be more prone to cracking. This can happen if the concrete is not mixed well, the sub-base is not appropriately prepared, or the concrete is not cured correctly.

Chemical damage 

Chemicals such as road salt, oil, or other harsh substances can damage the surface of the concrete driveway, causing it to crack over time.

It’s important to note that regular maintenance and repairs can help prevent and minimize concrete driveway cracks. For example, sealing the driveway frequently can help protect it from water damage and freeze-thaw cycles. Additionally, repairing little cracks can prevent them from turning into larger and more costly problems.

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How to repair concrete driveway cracks?

If concrete surfaces are correctly installed, they do not crack easily and last long. But if you find any crack in the driveway, you need to repair it quickly. Otherwise, it will lead to the deterioration of the whole driveway. 

 If you have the right tools, you can repair the small cracks by yourself, but if the damage is immense, you need to call professionals like concrete driveway repair Cincinnati. They will first inspect your driveway and repair it properly.

If you are doing it unassisted, follow these simple steps:

Cleaning the driveway  

Before starting the process, you need to scrub off all the weeds, molds, and grass that could somehow find its way to growing in the cracks. You can use a stiff wire brush or weed remover tool to scrap all these particles.

Using a hammer, dislodge loosely attached concrete pieces, and remove the debris and dirt from the driveway using a stiff broom. 

Use the pressure washer to wash the driveway crack. It is better to use the cleaning solution so it will remove the oil stains.

Apply concrete filler

Choose a concrete filler specifically designed for repairing cracks in concrete driveways. Apply the filler on the damage, using a trowel or a putty knife to smooth it out. Use a trowel or a putty knife to smooth out the filler and level it with the surrounding concrete. Make sure to remove any excess filler.

Let it dry

Allow the filler to dry for at least 24 hours before using the driveway.

Seal the crack 

Once the filler is completely dry, use a concrete sealer to seal the crack and prevent moisture from seeping in.

Note if the crack is particularly large or deep, you may need to repeat these steps multiple times to fully repair the gap. Additionally, it’s mandatory to repair any cracks as soon as possible to prevent them from getting worse over time.

Resurfacing the concrete driveway

Resurfacing a concrete driveway can be a great way to give it a fresh look and extend its lifespan. Here are the basic steps involved in resurfacing a concrete driveway:

Clean the driveway

Start by thoroughly cleaning the driveway to remove dirt, debris, or stains. Use a pressure washer or a powerful hose to blast away any dirt or loose concrete.

Repair cracks 

Inspect the driveway for all the cracks or holes and repair them with concrete patching material. Allow the patching material to dry completely before moving on to the next step.

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Apply bonding agent

Apply a bonding agent to the entire surface of the driveway. This will help the new layer of concrete adhere to the old firmly.

Apply the concrete

Mix the concrete resurfacer according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Apply the resurfacer to the driveway using a trowel or a squeegee, working in small sections. Use a broom to create a non-slip surface.

Cure the concrete 

Allow the concrete to cure for at least 24 hours. Keep the surface damp during this time to prevent it from drying quickly.

Seal the concrete

Once the concrete has cured, apply a concrete sealer to protect the surface from stains, weather damage, and wear and tear.

Following these steps, you can resurface your concrete driveway and give it a fresh look. However, if you’re uncomfortable repairing cracks on yourself, it’s always best to hire a professional concrete contractor to ensure a high-quality, long-lasting job.

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