How to Clean Your Dishwasher the Eco-Friendly Way


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Dishwashers are often the unsung heroes of modern kitchens, quietly taking on the burdensome task of cleaning our dishes, pots, and pans. But even heroes need a little maintenance to stay in top shape. As essential as electrolux dishwasher not draining, they can become a breeding ground for bacteria, mould, and lime buildup if not cleaned regularly.

Starting Off with Basic Cleaning

The first step in cleaning your dishwasher is to make sure it’s empty. Remove all dishes and utensils, then proceed to wipe down the walls and the door with a damp cloth to remove any loose food particles and grime.

The Power of Vinegar

After your dishwasher is emptied and wiped down, fill a dishwasher-safe cup or bowl with two cups of white vinegar and place it on the upper rack of the dishwasher. The wonders of white vinegar as a cleaning agent are numerous. It’s a natural way to remove grease and lime buildup without introducing harmful chemicals into your home or the environment. Next, run your dishwasher through a hot-water cycle. The vinegar will disperse, tackling grease and grime throughout the interior of the machine.

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Neutralizing Odors and Stains with Baking Soda

Once the vinegar cycle has been completed, you’ll want to further neutralize odours and remove any stubborn, leftover stains. For this, baking soda is your best friend. Sprinkle a cup of it at the bottom of your dishwasher and then run another short, hot-water cycle. The baking soda will work its magic, leaving your dishwasher smelling fresh and looking clean.

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Final Touches and Drain Check

After the baking soda cycle, you’ll want to give the appliance a final wipe-down. Take a damp cloth and go over the sides and the door to remove any remaining vinegar or baking soda residues. Don’t forget to check the drain for any food particles or debris that might be clogging it up. For a fresh scent, add a few drops of essential oils like lavender or lemon to a dishwasher-safe bowl and run another short cycle. This will give your dishwasher that extra burst of freshness.

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Pro Tip for Ongoing Maintenance

Now, let’s talk about maintenance. To keep your dishwasher clean and eco-friendly between deep cleaning sessions, consider using zero-waste dishwasher tablets. These tablets are devoid of harsh chemicals and even come in compostable packaging. It’s a fantastic way to align your dishwashing routine with a sustainable lifestyle.

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Why Choose Eco-Friendly Cleaning Methods?

Choosing to clean your dishwasher the eco-friendly way comes with an array of benefits. For starters, it’s healthier for you and your family. There’s no risk of toxic residues coming into contact with your dishes, as natural cleaners like vinegar and baking soda are used. Additionally, it’s healthier for the planet. By opting for eco-friendly cleaning methods and zero-waste products, you’re reducing your carbon footprint and your contribution to chemical pollution. Last but not least, this approach is easy on your pocket. Vinegar and baking soda are not just effective; they are also economical, especially compared to specialized, chemical-based dishwasher cleaners.

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In conclusion, giving your dishwasher an eco-friendly makeover is not just about increasing the machine’s lifespan or effectiveness; it’s about building a cleaner, greener, and safer home. It’s a simple yet powerful way to contribute to a healthier planet while also taking steps to ensure your home is as hygienic as possible. So the next time your dishwasher needs some tender loving care, ditch the chemicals and opt for a more sustainable and effective cleaning routine.

About the Author

Caroline is a writer with years of experience in business administration. She is passionate about travelling, exploring new places and cultures, and learning new languages. Find Caroline on Twitter @BCarolinebird12.

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