Choosing children’s clothes is an issue that can be complicated, especially if you are a first-time mother or you don’t know the basics of it. We want them to feel free to play without ties, to be thrown to the ground and to be stained with mud. At the same time, we would like their attire to remain untouched so that they would continue to look like angels fallen from heaven. Until the arrival of adolescence, the function of children’s clothing and footwear does not have to fulfill an aesthetic function. That does not mean we should dress our children in a messy or ugly way. They themselves know what clothes and shoes they like more or less.
What you have to be aware of is that at certain ages, comfort and utility must prevail. It is useless for your son to be the best-groomed child in the park if he can’t run or play. In these aspects, parents are often guilty of putting their own vanity before the comfort of their little ones.
How should you choose your children’s clothes?
The ergonomic function
The ergonomic function focuses on providing children with freedom of movement, that’s important choosing teenage boys clothes. The ideal one is to use clothes that are easily wearable, elastic and equipped with rubber restraints. It is important not to use very tight belts, as they can hurt the children.
The golden rules at the time of choosing the wardrobe of any person are the following:
Comfort at first. Discard all those options that do not match the child’s body, whether it is too tight or too big.
Avoid the use of textile material that does not allow perspiration. This rule applies to leather, tulle, and other textiles.
Strive for a balance between basic garments and special garments. In this way, you will have more facility to combine them, and over time, when the child learns to dress himself, it will be much easier.
The footwear is extremely important that fits perfectly to the foot of the child. Why? Simply because this way you will avoid malformations, as well as for the child to develop problems when walking.
Choose clothes according to the geographical area where you live! This is very important. We must be aware that we can’t always let our children wear summer clothes if we live in a country of 4 seasons. The same applies to countries where there are only rainy or drought seasons, we must have options for different types of weather.
Do not abuse the accessories. In this sense, we should not demand too much.
The “right” colors
Despite the social conventions, there are no adequate colors for boys and girls. Each father should dress his son with the colors he prefers since these are not subject to any gender. Maybe your child likes pink and your daughter prefers blue, or that they like violet, green or yellow. The key when it comes to the colors of clothes is to be creative and not put limits. There are many ways to wear garments of one color or another. The result will depend on how well you know how to play with them when assembling a set.
Clothing is a good way to educate children beyond the norms – already obsolete – imposed by society. Nor should we forget the benefits of color therapy, as dressing them in different colors will encourage their creativity, lift their spirits and make them more active.
Adaptation to the relevant climate
Children must be dressed and shod according to the current season. It is not right to wrap them in beautiful coats and hats when it is hot, as well as to put on short dresses when the cold starts. In addition, not adapting to the relevant climate can cause health problems.
By carrying out the above principles you can choose the right clothes for your children.