How Long Should You Stay in a Hot Tub?


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4,000 years ago old Egyptians have discovered the joy of using big stone rectangle tubs as a hot tub for relaxation. Since then, science and medicine have come far in confirming many benefits of using heat therapy. Today, we use hot tubs not only for therapy but also just for relaxation and a few quiet minutes away from the world.

If you’re a hot tub lover wondering if you’re not overstepping safe time in a hot tub? Or you’re someone considering going to the spa for the first time? Or getting a hot tub for your house? Are you worried about your kid using a hot tub? Or is it safe for your grandparents? Questions about how long is it safe to stay in a hot tub are logical and important to ask. Well, we are here to get you your answer so that you can take your baths with no worries.

There are several factors determining the time safe to spend in a hot tub. This article will cover your concerns and give answers and tips that you can implement right away. Also, we are gonna go over possible risks of using a hot tub, as well as how to prevent them from happening.

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What affects hot tub soak times?

  • Your health status. Time in a hot tub varies for people with health issues and the ones without any. You should certainly talk to your doctor about the time you should spend in a hot tub. We are just gonna give you some general ideas. For example, pregnant women should not use a hot tube with water over 102 degrees F and should not stay in it for more than 10 minutes. Since hot tub temperature affects circulation people with high pressure, diabetes, and heart diseases should be very careful when soaking.
  • Age is another factor since older people can have circulation problems and kids can also respond badly to soaking. So when using a hot tub, kids under 12 years should stay not more than 5 minutes and never in a temperature higher than 104 degrees. It is also important for kids to not soak their whole bodies and to remain overlooked by the adult.
  • Hot tub temperature determines intervals of in and out of tub times. Also, the difference between hot tub temperature and your body temperature, as well as the temperature outside the hot tub is something to pay attention to. If you’re spending too much time in a hot tub at once, perspiration can be difficult which leads to higher body temperature. To avoid dehydration keep a bottle of water next to you, but also adjust the time in the water. Make sure that you are not soaked in full and that you’re cooling parts of your body from time to time. It’s best to keep your torso out of the water so the body can naturally cool itself. When the temperature doesn’t go over 102 degrees you should be safe to soak for half an hour or longer if you’re healthy and it feels comfortable to you.

How often can you use a hot tub?

If you follow the previously mentioned recommendations, you can use the hot tub as often as you want. You can even soak each day with no worries.

What are the risks of soaking for too long?

There are more and less dangerous risks of too much soaking but if you feel any of those you should get out of the hot tub. One of the most common symptoms of overstaying in a hot tub is dizziness. It happens due to body temperature rising. In that case, all you need to do is get out and cool your body for a few minutes.

Overheating is a more serious sign that you should leave the hot tub immediately. Many symptoms can indicate overheating, including weird tingling sensations on the skin, dizziness, weakness, changes in the heart rate, and overly sweating or not sweating at all. If those symptoms don’t stop once you get out of a hot tub, you need to go to the hospital or call an ambulance.

Overheating symptoms plus blurred vision and fatigue are also symptoms of a decrease in blood pressure.

Too much heat can cause your skin to become red or burn, especially if you have sensitive skin. In that case, you should go out of the tub and in the future set the temperature to the one comfortable for your skin.

Overusing a hot tub can also cause urinary tract infection, especially when you’re using public spa hot tubs.

If you are healthy don’t stay too long in a hot tub and you keep cooling your body in 15-30 minutes chances for all these symptoms are reduced to a minimum.

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Other precautions when using a hot tub include tying your hair, not using electrical devices, not using medication that can make you dizzy, and avoiding alcohol and other opiates.

The benefits of soaking in a hot tub are numerous and include relaxation for stress relief, muscle relaxation, improved sleep, pain relief, reduces cardiovascular problems, improves insulin sensitivity, and increased calorie burn.

If you’re considering getting a hot tub for your house, backyard, or any other place for relaxation, here you can find acrylic freestanding tubs. You can find many options from ergonomically shaped tubs, simplistic and minimalistic designs, as well as classic designs. There is a wide range of choices when it comes to special benefits like detachable shower wands, anti-scratch and stain surfaces, leveled bottoms, etc. All you need to do is pick the one that suits your needs and you’re all set for amazing relaxation time. You can even host a small party with your friends and let them try your piece of heaven hot tub.

Remember, the hot tub should be fun and relaxing, so don’t overcomplicate it. Stay safe and enjoy time for yourself or with your loved ones. After a long day, this is a nice thing to do to take care of yourself.

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