Here’s How Decluttering Is Crucial For Your Overall Health



Are you jealous of the tidy spaces on home decor blogs? 

A few studies suggest that decluttering can have as much of an impact on your health as it does on the physical space. Achieving harmony between your home’s environment and your mental health can be the key to living a more productive life. For this, you can consider furniture removal and trash clean up.

Helps You Focus

A messy house can mirror an unorganized mind, with scattered thoughts competing for attention and making it difficult to concentrate. According to neuroscientific research, cluttered living spaces create excessive stimuli in the environment.

What to do – your focus improves when you create a less stressful environment. So make sure your workspace only houses items that are absolutely essential. 


Reduces Stress Levels

As your space becomes messier, it shoots up your cortisol hormone, which leads to stress. This can easily increase your heart rate because of the heavy breathing due to stress. The problem will be in front of you, yet you’d not consider it as a problem – unfortunately!

What to do – Rather than setting aside an entire weekend, try devoting 15 minutes every day to this task. If 15 minutes seems challenging to commit, you can try five minutes first. Getting started is important!

Start with furniture removal and trash clean-up. Clear out drawers and closets. Decide what to keep and what to donate. Things such as boxes full of DVDs that you don’t watch or office equipment that is not needed can be tossed out. 

Helps You Work Efficiently

With all the junk around you, it is easy to feel overwhelmed. This feeling can lead to stress, anxiety and depression over time. Worse, you might not even consider the clutter to be the problem of your mental issues. You will be inclined to think that it’s lack of sleep or work pressure while the real reason will be in front of you – the junk!

What to do – De-junk! Start by arranging your furniture, should you think it is messy. Next, make sure all your documents are positioned in their drawers. Next, you’d want to make sure the curtains are hung alright, and the room’s lighting is sufficient. All these factors lead to your mind believing that all is fine and you eventually work better!

Leads to Better Eating

Peter Walsh’s novel “Lose the Mess Lose the Weight” gives an apt indication of how much clutter can have on your eating habits. The result is an internal monolog that afflicts you when you step through the door, making you feel overwhelmed by the choices.

What to do – Decluttering helps maintain a balance between your physical and mental balance. A decrease in anxiety and depression can lead to better physical health and vice versa.


Decluttering Improves Air Quality

From your carpets to books, everything in your home is accumulating dust. This can increase the number of toxic substances and other pollutants in the air all around you. It can lead to asthma attacks, coughing and eye irritation, and other unpleasant reactions. 

What to do – Eliminating clutter from your home involves either getting rid of these dust accumulating objects, cleaning and arranging them or a combination of these methods.

It is a significant move towards living a healthier lifestyle. You will breathe better, not only because you are less agitated and distracted but also because your indoor air quality has been improved.

Ready to Declutter?

The discipline, time, and positive momentum can help you reach your clean and tidy living goal. We hope the tips mentioned above will help you understand the value of decluttering to live a healthy life.

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