Family Home Theater Design Ideas for Perfect Movie Nights


Family Home Theater Design Ideas 1

Having a home theatre is one of the best things you can do for your home. Whether your children use the room to watch Disney Princess movies or just as a place to relax and unwind, a home theatre will give you the space to enjoy all your favourite moments. If you’re looking for ideas on how to design your own dream home theatre, read on!

Choose a large screen.

When you go to the movies, you don’t want to miss anything. A large screen is essential for this experience because it makes everything on the screen look bigger and clearer. Screen size is measured diagonally from corner to corner of an image or picture, so consider how much space you have in your home theatre room before choosing a TV size. The larger the TV, the more immersive the experience will be for everyone involved!

Create a comfortable seating area.

When you’re designing your home theatre, it’s important to consider the size of the room and the number of people who will be watching. If you have a large family, you may need more than one row of seats. The last thing you want is for someone to feel cramped or left out because they don’t have enough space.

You also want to make sure that each row has enough legroom so everyone can sit comfortably while they watch their favourite movie or television show! You don’t want anyone bumping their knees into other people’s legs throughout the whole film. It’s uncomfortable and distracting.

Pay attention to ambient light.

Ambient light is the soft, indirect light that fills a room. It’s used to create a sense of intimacy and comfort, as well as to accentuate other elements in the home theatre design.

If you’re planning on watching movies in your family room or living room, pay attention to ambient lighting. It can make or break your movie night! Dimming the lights can help reduce eye fatigue during extended viewing sessions since it reduces glare from bright sources like computer monitors and TVs. 

If possible, use dimmers rather than switches so you can adjust brightness levels on-the-fly without interrupting anyone else who may be sleeping nearby (or even waking up).

Another way to avoid harsh light sources is by keeping lamps off during movie nights. Instead, use candles or lanterns around the house so everyone has enough visibility without feeling overwhelmed by bright lights shining directly into their eyes throughout each scene change.

Keeping ceiling lights off while watching TV also helps create ambience because they won’t reflect off any surfaces below them. You’ll only see those reflections if they happen to hit another object like windowsills or furniture pieces against walls near where people sit down inside rooms where there aren’t any windows present.

Family Home Theater Design Ideas 2

Make sure to hide wires behind the walls and floors.

One of the best ways to make sure you have a clean, clutter-free home theatre is by hiding wires behind the walls and floors. You can use a cable raceway to keep your wires out of sight or opt for a wireless system if you’re looking for something more modern.

If you choose not to hide your wires in this way, consider placing them under furniture such as couches, chairs and ottomans instead. This will keep them out of sight but still accessible when needed. It’ll make it much easier for those who want to rearrange their living room furniture.

Create your own home theatre sound system.

In addition to the visual aspect of the film, it’s also important that you have an excellent audio experience. When watching movies in your home theatre, you want to hear every word spoken and every note played. It can be frustrating when the dialogue is muffled or unclear–or worse yet, completely absent.

There are many things that contribute to how well you hear what’s going on in films: speakers and subwoofers (both individual components), receivers (which combine multiple components into one unit), speaker wire (the medium through which electricity travels from receiver/amplifier/processor). 

Avoid using dark colours on the walls and on furniture,

When you’re designing a family room, it’s important to make sure that the space feels open and inviting. Dark colours absorb light and make rooms feel smaller, so they should be avoided if possible. Similarly, dark furniture tends to close in on itself and your guests. Which creates an uncomfortable environment for everyone involved. 

Instead of using black or navy blue walls in your home theatre design, try opting for lighter shades like white or cream instead. These will help create an airy space that feels more open than one painted with darker hues would be able to achieve.


If you’re looking to add an entertainment centre to your home. The most important thing is to remember that the design process is fun and fluid. There are no rules when it comes to creating a space that’s perfect for your family.

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