Sometimes, even the ideal plot of land has a lot of overgrowth that needs to be removed. Depending on the state of the property, the process can be difficult and require heavy equipment. The land clearing prices for professional services can also be quite high. If you’re on a budget, however, you’d be happy to hear that there are numerous efficient and affordable ways to clear a piece of land.
To set you on the right track, we present you with the cheapest land clearing techniques.
Leverage the Free Tree Removal Programs
If you have invasive trees, you’d want to remove them. However, clearing even an acre of trees can be very expensive. That’s why the cheapest way to clear land is to get into a free tree removal program. Lumbering companies typically offer these programs. If your land has a certain number of trees so that the company determines it would be profitable for them to warrant free tree removal, you could qualify for the program. Additionally, these companies consider the type of trees—the more high-quality larger trees, the greater the profit for the lumbering company, and the better the chance for you to enter the program.
Clear Brush
If the tract of land isn’t too large, you can use hand-held trimmers to chop the weed at ground level. Conversely, consider renting a brush machine to get through large areas of land more quickly. If the vegetation is low-ground, you could use grazing animals like sheep or goats to clear it.
Try Grubbing and Dozing
When using grubbing and dozing for your vacant land clearing project, you’ll be able to quickly cover a large acre of land. You’ll need special equipment such as a bulldozer or chain saw for efficient dozing. If you’re on a budget, you can rent these tools instead of buying them. However, keep in mind that you’ll leave large holes behind when grubbing and dozing, creating a messy finish. This could be perfectly acceptable unless you plan to use the plot of land for haying or pasturing animals. In that case, you’d have to fill the holes with dirt. You would also be left with a pile of useless material that you’d have to haul away or burn, adding more steps in the land clearing process.
Try Controlled Burning
Controlled burning is an efficient and affordable land clearing method. It’s also one of the best ways to stop the spread of invasive vegetation that could cause significant damage. However, there are several things you should consider before deciding this is the best method for you. First, keep in mind that you won’t be able to eliminate vegetation selectively. Also, there’s a high risk that the fire could get out of control and cause damage to the surrounding properties. Moreover, the heat that the fire would cause might essentially sterilize the ground, making it impossible to grow anything for a while. Last but not least, burning vegetation removes the ground cover, increasing the risk of erosion.
Engage in Hand Clearing
Clearing land by hand is the least invasive option. It allows you to be very selective, detailed, and deliberate. This is an excellent option if you have a small land to thin so that you can start building on it and want to avoid any potential fire dangers. The only downside of this method is that it could be time-consuming.
Choose Mulching
You should consider mulching if you’re looking for an effective alternative to controlled burning and grubbing. The method lets you cut and process vegetation deliberately and efficiently using a drum or disc mulcher. You’ll be able to remove the underbrush and trees while putting organic matter back on the land during the process. By placing the mulch where the vegetation has been removed, you’ll provide a natural barrier that would help prevent the invasive species from regrowing while promoting the healthy growth of natural vegetation.
Final Thoughts
Before you choose the proper method for you, consider the size and condition of your land. Several factors such as its size and condition, the equipment available, and the density of the trees will affect how long it takes to clear your land. The amount of time it will take to complete land clearing can be additionally prolonged if there are rocks, slopes, mulch, bushes, and debris on the property.
Hopefully, by following the cheap methods we’ve provided here, you can get the job done without breaking the bank. Remember that no land management strategy will provide you with a “one-and-done” way to keep your land in good condition. If you want to maintain your property in perfect condition, timely and consistent care is essential.