Digital Curb Appeal: What You Need to Know



Think of the last time you were in a bookstore. Some of us reach for books off the shelves because the colors catch our eye, the font is interesting, or the title grabs us. We’ll also ignore great books if they have boring covers. The same is true of digitally browsing homes for sale. A dull photo will turn off prospective buyers – even if the house itself would have been perfect for them. With books, and with homes, first impressions are everything.

What is digital curb appeal?

Curb appeal is how attractive (or appealing) your home is when someone views it from the curb. Over the years, it has grown to represent the entire exterior of the home. As buyers moved much of their search online, however, Realtors® have had to focus on a different kind of curb appeal—digital curb appeal.

Digital curb appeal is how appealing your listing looks online, and most importantly, within the listing preview in search results.

Digital Curb Appeal 1

Why does it matter?

For 97% of buyers, the first step they take is looking online. That means that digital curb appeal matters almost as much as actual curb appeal. If buyers don’t like the digital impression – chances are they’ll never take the time to tour the home in person.

Follow these steps to ensure your listing preview maximizes digital curb appeal:

  • Start with pre-listing home improvements
  • Complete the look with staging
  • Include professional photos & virtual tour
  • Take advantage of special listing identifiers
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