Design Philosophies, Facts You Need to Know


Design Philosophies

The design philosophy explores the interaction of design and nature, design and man as a whole, as well as in his system of being, i.e., ontologically. This helps to study the environmental aspects of the problem of the interaction of design and nature, the socio-logical aspects of the relationship between design and society, and of course the anthropological aspects, which include the problems of the relationship between design and man. Since design is one of the forms of culture, that is, the subjectivity of the spiritual, material, and artistic spheres, and culture itself is born, formed, and develops in society, its individuals and groups, from a philosophical point of view the designed ontology also studies culturally, that is, consideration of all problems the relationship of design and nature, society, as well as design and man in the system of culture.

In the objects surrounding a person, the artistic value of all its components is not always needed. After all, sometimes aesthetic values are enough. Design objects take the form of a carrier of artistic significance if an artistic-figurative understanding of their cultural role in some situations and the environment of human life and activity is necessary.

The larger the design object is designed for concentrated vision and spiritual understanding, the wider the possibility of organizing an emotional atmosphere that will correspond to a specific life situation and environment. Such an achievement gives objects of artistic and figurative meaning depth and strength, which makes the entire design, work a bearer of artistic and spiritual value. Most of the types and types of household products individually can have artistic and aesthetic value.

The emotional impact of all design looks has an immeasurably strong influence. Art-shaped projects are focused on reflecting the cultural meaning of things in the design image. Meaning-education is an important and key aspect of the solution of the project task, to achieve the goal in the harmony of forms and the dual nature of things, it is both utilitarian and technical and spiritual-value. The main meaning of things and design work in a philosophical sense is its role, thanks to which it can fulfill in the integral socio-cultural meaning of life. The specificity of design, unlike some visual arts, as well as literature, cinema, theater is not an image of the world, but an expression of the essence of the projected thing or product, its cultural meaning is important groups of consumers, taking into account their value guidelines, preferences and requests.

Design Philosophies1

We give an example of landscape design, which refers to a variety of modern desig. It carries the goal of decorating the natural landscape, but the most important goal is to make the natural area perfect and give it a complete appearance. Thus, landscape design is designed to create beauty in those places of human life in which it is lacking. Considering from the point of view of philosophy, it is worth noting that due to the increase in industrialization processes and megacities, with each year there are fewer and fewer natural landscapes. Beautiful areas, untouched by the hands of people, have almost disappeared. In this situation, a person who comes after a hard working day leaves in his own alpine garden with a thoughtful and harmoniously comfortable arrangement of components and admires the plants and flowers around, the fatigue goes away by itself. Thus, the beauty of landscape design has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system, exhausted by constant stress and complex human relationships.

From all of the above, it should be concluded that at all times design was quite specific and important in the activities of people, which by its nature is as humanistic as education, science, and even healthcare. The functional aspect of design is not just the creation of appropriate products, but also consultancy, methodology and coordination. In other words, design is a special industry of human life. He, like other industries, provides methodological guidance and coordination of design work in the industry sectors of the country, is included in the system of upbringing and education, and is also part of the system of managing social processes and the emotional stability of society.

Design includes an integrated systematic approach to designing various things. Design objects carry the stamp of time, the level of technological progress and the socio-political structure of society. The main problem of design is the creation of a cultural and anthropo- conforming subject world that will be evaluated aesthetically harmoniously and holistically. Hence the importance for the designer to use, as well as engineering, technical and natural science knowledge, as well as the means of humanities – this is philosophy, cultural studies, sociology, psychology, semiotics, etc. All these skills are integrated in the act of design and art modeling of the subject world, which are based on figurative and, of course, artistic thinking.

Design today is an extremely synthetic sphere of realization of art and design thought, where it is not easy to separate color from form, patchwork graphics from volume, construction from sculptural plastic, subject from medium, etc. All the diverse forms and types of manifestation of design do not spray it into various areas of human activity, but rather focus on solving large-scale problems and tasks related to the organization of the human environment at all its levels, from the saturation of the interior of a house to the design formation of a metropolis or even before structuring global ethnocultural and socio-political communities.

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