Blinds or Curtains: Which Is the Better Window Treatment for Your Home?


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Moving into your dream home, a lot of considerations and deliberations go into planning interior decorations and furniture to suit your taste.

Now we aren’t going to delve into the world of interior decors and furniture here. Instead, we are going to help your decision-making process when it comes to selecting window coverings Curtains or Blinds.

With this article as a guide, we’ll sufficiently explore the various underlying intricacies of the two options and you won’t have to make your decisions blindly.

Aesthetics and Visual Appeal


Generally, blinds don’t have much going for them in the way of aesthetics. Now, don’t get us wrong here, we are not saying that Blinds can’t beautify your house interior. Instead what this means is that when you install a blind, you are limited in your choice of design and decoration.

Blinds favour functionality over design. On the flip side however, they add a modern and symmetrical feel to the environment wherever they are installed.


On the other hand, when you opt for curtains, you can choose from an infinite number of design and stylistic variations. As opposed to Blinds, they add a feeling of luxury and visually appealing aesthetics to the internal environment where they are added.

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Whether it is the internal shutters or normal open-close blinds, cleaning blinds for maintenance might require a little bit extra time and effort than doing the same for curtains.

For common blinds that string individual slats, cleaning each slat might be stressful and time consuming, especially if you have several window blinds. There are however certain blinds like single panel shades that are surprisingly easy to clean.


Curtains require very little to no effort maintenance wise. Apart from the stress of removing them from the panels every time you want to wash them, it requires no effort or time to maintain.

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Blinds offer excellent control over internal space lightning. Their design ensures that you can combine different structural positions to optimally control natural lighting in the house.

For instance, blinds allow you to bend individual slats to allow or disallow sunlight. Combined with the default function of up and down draws, this means that you have absolute control over how bright or how dull your room is.


Curtains have no edge over blinds in the aspect of lighting functionalities. They generally offer significantly lesser control over lighting than blinds.

You can however workaround this constraint by layering your curtain; Using a sheer fabric/linen as the inner panel and a thicker/heavier clothing material for the outer panel.


Well be doing you a disservice if we tell you that curtains are more expensive than blinds or vice versa. There is no accurate price estimate comparison between these two due to the wide price range per option.


Generally, a single curtain panel averagely costs between $17 and $180, while a single window blind similarly costs between $14 and $186 on average. So, you can explore the average pricing online to have a feel of the costs you’ll incur.

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