A Beginner’s Guide to Clogged Drains


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Fewer home maintenance projects cause more frustration than clogged drains. The good news is, minor clogs are easy to take care of, and you don’t need to have any knowledge of plumbing to try a DIY fix. But some clogs are too stubborn, or too far into the system for a homeowner to handle on their own. The expert plumbers at Santos Water Service & Drain will take care of any stubborn clogs as well as repair damaged pipes. 

See if You Can Determine the Culprit

This will require a lot of guesswork, and mostly a process of elimination. Since you can’t actually see inside of your pipes, deductive reasoning will help you decide what you think is clogging the pipe. If the clog is in the bathroom, you  are probably dealing with a tangle of hair, body wash, and other personal grooming products. Kitchen drains collect grease, food, and cleaning products sent through them on a daily basis. But, don’t assume you know the problem just because the clog is isolated to a specific room. Foreign objects, such as small toys and car keys find their way into drains as well. So talk to the other members of your household to rule these out as a source of your problem.

Try These DIY Fixes

Depending on the location of the clog, there are a lot of inexpensive options to try before calling out a professional plumber. If it hasn’t traveled too far down the pipe, you may be able to dislodge it yourself with a few items you have already at home.

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  • Boiling Water: One of the simplest methods to try is boiling water. Bring a 2 qt pot to a rolling boil and pour it directly into the stubborn drain. Observe the results and repeat a few times if necessary. Make sure you use extreme caution during this process, since you risk burns, especially if you have to transport the water out of the kitchen.
  • Wire hanger: Using a wire hanger can help break up whatever is clogging your pipes. All you have to do is unwrap the coil at the top so you can give it as much length as possible. Straighten the hanger then create a small hook in one end, allowing it to slide easily into the drain. Reach the hanger into the drain and see if you can find the clog. If you hit it, the hook may be able to break it up enough to pull it out. After you’ve worked on it, flush the drain with hot water to finish the job.
  • Plunger: Plungers are great tools for breaking up clogged debris. Most people associate them with toilet use, but you can also use them to unclog drains. All you have to do is cover the entire drain hole with the rubber plunger to create an airtight seal. The first push-down should be slow and deliberate as you are creating the seal by forcing the air out of the plunger. When you start plunging, more forceful movements are necessary to clear the line. If it seems like you aren’t making progress, don’t give up. You may have to make 15-20 plunging movements to see any results.
  • Vinegar and Baking Soda Mixture: Anyone who has made a homemade volcano knows what happens if you combine baking soda and vinegar. Well, that same fizzy concoction can be used to break up drain clogs. By pouring equal parts baking soda and vinegar into your clogged drain, you may be able to clear some stubborn blockage. It’s recommended you let the mixture sit for at least an hour, or overnight if possible to work its magic. When you’re ready to test your results, flush the drain with hot water.

Prevention Goes a Long Way

Drains clog easily, but there are things you can do to prevent big problems. By installing guards, you can trap major debris before it collects deep in your pipes. You should also scrape plates, bowls, and cookware clean into a trash can rather than rinsing them in the sink. Fewer food particles will find their way down the sink resulting in a back up. 

If you are having trouble locating your clog, a professional plumber can go the extra mile. He or she will use an industrial plumber’s snake to clear the line, and clean out your p-trap to make sure your kitchen sink runs smoothly. If clogged pipes become a frequent problem, talk to a professional to see if there is an underlying issue that needs to be addressed.

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