Should I Move Myself Or Hire A Mover?


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Relocating from your current residence to a new one is always a big decision. Convenience and costs will likely dictate most of your choices regarding such a move. Whether you choose to do it yourself or hire a professional moving company will depend on how many inconveniences you are willing to endure. As such, if you plan on moving to Green Van Lines service areas around Plano, Tx , you are best served by hiring such professionals to handle all aspects of your relocation.

Because moving involves making numerous little decisions and carrying out multiple tasks, it can be overwhelming if you choose to do it yourself. Hiring a professional moving company, however, also has its snags. Thus, before making the final decision, it is crucial that you carefully examine the advantages and drawbacks of each option.

Moving Yourself

The idea of being self-reliant appeals to most people. Many prefer to depend on themselves rather than hiring outside help or asking their friends to lend a hand. While such sentiments may be noble, they may entail significant inconveniences. Of course, moving is much easier if you have limited possessions that do not include bulky items like large beds or other such household items.

A college student, for example, is unlikely to own a large refrigerator or a huge bed. In such cases, such a student can simply pack their things and move without needing to hire professional movers. A popular option is to seek the help of friends or family to help with moving the numerous items you have, thereby eliminating the need for hiring a professional moving company.

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Pros Of Moving Yourself

Saving Money

This is probably the main reason most people choose to move by themselves. It is well-known that hiring a reliable and reputable professional company to facilitate your move is not a cheap venture.

Part of moving by yourself can mean renting a truck in which to pack your things. For as little as $50, you can have a reliable vehicle to make the process go smoothly.

Assuming your friends are willing to lend a hand, your costs for their help will be limited to a few drinks and snacks.

Pack Your Things Your Way

Doing things yourself gives you a lot of flexibility. Professional movers usually insist on properly packing things in boxes and arranging them in a certain order while being transported in a truck. If you do the packing yourself, you won’t have to be concerned with such trivialities. This does not mean that you don’t care about the condition of your household items; it just means that you can choose to pack things in a way that does not adhere to rigid packaging standards.

 Full Control

This is another major advantage that comes with moving yourself. Sometimes, you may need to change the schedule of your move or reconsider packaging options for some items. This can be challenging (or costly) if you have contracted the services of a professional moving company. Bad weather, for example, can necessitate you to alter your schedule. If you are moving on your own, such time adjustments won’t be a problem because you are in complete control of the entire moving process.

Cons Of Moving Yourself

Heavy Lifting

Unless you are in peak physical condition, the inconvenience of lifting heavy household items can be very bothersome. Even when you (and your friends) manage to lift all such items with ease, the inexperience of not being professional movers means you can likely damage some items or scrape the walls while moving such items. All this can add to your costs of replacing such items and re-decorating such scraped walls.

Much Planning

All aspects of moving to a new house require planning. While professionals do have the experience, you may not know how to properly coordinate all aspects of your move, especially if you have many household items and pets. This can make moving on your own very stressful

Hiring A Moving Company

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Like any professional service, a moving company can make the whole moving process a lot easier with virtually no stress for you. With expertise, experience, and the right equipment, you can relax and watch as your items are professionally packed without a hitch.

The efficiency with which they handle all aspects of moving means that you won’t have to worry about the inconvenience of moving cumbersome items and their proper placement in a moving truck. The professionals will handle all such details until your items are at your new residence.

A major drawback for hiring such moving companies is the associated costs. With their efficiency and convenience come huge costs, costs that may spiral into thousands of dollars. A lack of flexibility is also something you will have to contend with. Once you sign the contract, it means the move will have to occur at the stated time; otherwise, you risk forfeiture of terms. It is usually advisable to clarify your priorities before deciding to move. Such clarity will enable you to know which option best suits your needs.

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