Helpful Information You Need to Know to Plant and Grow Eggplants



The main benefits you get when consuming eggplants. The most popular types of aubergines. The main steps to grow eggplants from seeds or seedlings.

Useful Tips on How to Grow Eggplants in Your Garden

If you’ve decided to start your vegetable garden, you should carefully choose the crops you want to grow. If you want to get really healthy and nutrient-dense food, you can’t but pay attention to eggplant. It’s full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. There is good news for those who are on a diet. Aubergine has a few calories and can be eaten without fear of gaining extra weight.

There are numerous benefits you get when consuming melongene. It’s able to reduce the risk of heart diseases thanks to its antioxidant content. The vegetables are your best helpers when it comes to controlling your blood sugar. Moreover, they may aid in cancer treatment. It’s clear the eggplants are the right choice for your garden.

What type of eggplant to choose

What type of eggplant to choose

We used to think that aubergine is a long purple vegetable. Yet, you may be surprised to get to know that brinjals vary in shape, color, and size. The most popular varieties are the following:

  • The Graffiti sample is characterized by purple and white stripes. The vegetable has good taste and can be used in any recipe;
  • The Italian type is small and fat. The main peculiarity of it is the tender flesh;
  • Japanese and Chinese varieties are of deep purple color. They both have thin skin and creamy flesh;
  • White eggplant has a traditional taste;
  • Indian and Thai kinds are small and they are hard to be found.

Steps to Grow Aubergine

Steps to Grow Aubergine

Unlike the greater part of other vegetables, you don’t need to hurry up to start seeds. The plants grow fast. They need warm weather conditions. That’s why it’s worth starting seed planting 4 or 6 weeks after the last frost. You should use high-quality potted soil. If you do everything right, the seedlings appear in 7 days.

The next step is to transplant the seedlings in the garden. The crucial condition is the temperature above 50 degrees. If you don’t want to suffer from seedlings, you can buy starters in the nearest garden shop. When transplanting samples, you have to pay attention to the drainage holes. The roots should not be protruded. The site does matter, too. The vegetables need full sun.

The aubergines require some care. You need to water them twice a week. Yet, they don’t like standing water. It’s a good idea to apply mulch or landscape fabric to prevent overwatering and weeding. When the crops are mature, you shouldn’t pot them off. You may cut them. Otherwise, it’s possible to damage the vine.

There is one more reason why it’s worth growing eggplants. With their help, you can make your menu more diversified. It’s possible to bake, grill, roast, and even saute the vegetables.
In conclusion, it’s worth highlighting that aubergines are easy-to-grow plants that provide you with a lot of health and diet benefits.

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