Types of Garden Sheds and What to Know When Buying


Gardening is a fun and rewarding physical activity that a lot of people are getting into nowadays. In fact, almost 49% of the 164 million homeowners in the United States did gardening in the past year.

When you want to keep your garden or backyard in tip-top shape, you need to have storage to hold your essential equipment and tools. Using your garage for such is already an outdated and impractical idea. Utility sheds or garden sheds are the best way to go.

Garden Sheds: The Types to Consider When Buying

Garden Sheds The Types to Consider When Buying
Different types and designs of garden sheds can be found in the market today, and you can even buy garden sheds online. However, with the multitude of options, choosing one can be overwhelming and confusing. If you find yourself in such a situation, don’t worry as this article will guide you on what you should know before buying garden sheds. Remember, it’s always good to be a smart consumer and know all your options before purchasing products.

Here are some types of garden sheds and what to consider when buying one:

  • Metal sheds are known for being strong and durable, which can be ideal should you desire a shed that can safely store your tools. Due to their sturdy nature, you’re sure that your tools are protected against the harsh elements, leaving them untarnished. However, metal sheds do tend to be less attractive, unlike wooden sheds. They’re much harder to modify, and they are more prone to suffer from corrosion or rust. Consider this when looking for garden sheds online.
  • Plastic sheds are perhaps the most affordable type of shed, thanks to their weather resistance and durability. In fact, some plastic sheds on the higher end of the quality spectrum are extremely long lasting and may no longer need maintenance. As they’re made of plastic, they are extremely easy to assemble, they don’t rust, and they don’t rot. They’re not as durable as metal or wooden sheds, though, and they’re still susceptible to extreme temperatures. It’s also tricky to customize plastic sheds.
  • Plastic sheds

  • Wooden sheds are arguably the most popular garden sheds. Not only do they come in both traditional and modern designs, but they’re also easy to assemble and work with. Timber thickness determines the use of the shed, whether domestic or heavy-duty use. Timber Sheds are also easy to modify, such as adding more shelving or storage to suit your garden needs. Unfortunately, they do tend to be in need of regular treatment, which can be costly. When untreated, wooden sheds may be prone to damage from the elements.
  • Playhouses are kinds of garden sheds that defy expectations. These aren’t storage options for tools and equipment. Playhouses are meant to be used by children to be active in your own backyard. Children can play and interact with other children in the playhouse. These sheds are good substitutes to playgrounds. Having children play in this shed is a good way for parents to keep the children occupied while they do chores and other tasks.
  • Log cabins are larger sheds that add space to households, albeit outdoors. These cheaper sheds can be in the form of guest rooms, gyms, craft rooms, or even home offices. Unlike garden sheds, these log cabins can be transformed into living spaces depending on the need and the desire of the owner.
  • Greenhouses are kinds of sheds that can be outfitted to accommodate gardening in a controlled environment. Gardening without the risk of weather and other elements damaging the crops can be achieved with a greenhouse. This shed allows homeowners to enjoy growing plants as they can regulate the shed’s temperature, promoting good growth even during cold winters and hot summers.

Transform Your Backyard with the Right Garden Shed

Choosing the right garden shed at home requires knowing the different types of garden sheds and understanding their various uses and characteristics. Assess what you want to achieve with your shed and apply the tips above so you can purchase the perfect shed for your garden.

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