It can be difficult to come across design ideas when it comes to upgrading the look and style of your bathroom or any other room in your home. If you’re not careful, you can easily suffer from the visual version of writer’s block.
Here are 9 of THE best places to find new bathroom inspiration when it’s not coming to you already…
Bathroom Inspiration Location No. 1: Magazines
Magazines are a goldmine of ideas, and there are periodicals for every style these days. The nicest thing about magazines is that many of the schemes include helpful tips and methods for creating the theme you want, as well as where to get some of the objects in the photographs – so part of the hard work has already been done for you! If you have some other home renovation other than the bathroom you need motivation for a magazine subscription is a good idea.

Bathroom Inspiration Location No. 2: Pinterest
If you utilise the search function within the app, you can find almost anything, and it’s all visual, so you can zero in on what you like quickly. It’s a site where you can make your own boards full of your favourite bathroom ideas, fittings and accessories. Set up a board for your style preferences and start pinning so that when you’re looking for inspiration for a new scheme in your home, you can quickly and easily locate some on your board.
Bathroom Inspiration Location No. 3: Catalogues
Home store catalogues (think along the lines of IKEA and similar) may be incredibly inspiring as the sets in which the images are photographed are very carefully staged to make the objects look as beautiful as possible, and a lot of time and work has gone into getting them exactly perfect. As a result, you can find some lovely ideas inside the pages of a catalogue – and the best part is that you’ll know where to purchase the products if you want to. Catalogues can provide ideas for decorating many aspects of the home.
Bathroom Inspiration Location No. 4: Friends And Family Homes
We all love looking around our friends and family’s homes, as they can give plenty of ideas of things that we like and can use for design inspiration in our own homes too. Next time you are having coffee with a friend, use the chance to use their facilities. You have a good nosy around their bathrooms, you might find some ideas that work for you.
Bathroom Inspiration Location No. 5: Show Homes
Top notch interior designers are paid to construct display homes with wonderful style and design, much as in catalogues, so you can pick up a lot of ideas and advice by taking an afternoon to go around a few. You will often find multiple sources of inspiration in one house between, cloakrooms, en-suites and bathrooms/shower rooms.
Bathroom Inspiration Location No. 6: Hotels
Hotels may be quite inspiring because many of us desire to live in a home that seems like a boutique hotel (less clutter and fewer day-to-day junk!). There are also a lot of details put into hotel bathrooms, it’s a good idea to not limit yourself to focus on the actual fixtures within the room itself but the little details that give that added feel of luxury. What brand are the fluffy towels, what toiletries are creating the scents within the bathroom? Source the same online when you get home to add a touch of class to your bathroom.
Bathroom Inspiration Location No. 7: Shops (Online And In Person!)
Nothing beats strolling around interiors shops looking at room sets, etc, to gain ideas for what works and what doesn’t. Also by seeing items in real life you get a better feel for textures, colours, size, so there is no doubt in your mind that the elements won’t work well together.

Bathroom Inspiration Location No. 8: Books And Art
Books about interior design, as well as books and art in general, might provide you hints about what you like to look at. Use colour from your favourite artwork as a starting point for a design, or a topic from your favourite book – or simply a picture within a book as inspiration. Books may be a great source of design inspiration.
Bathroom Inspiration Location No. 9: Online Home Sale Sites
One online pastime that seems popular with many people is to browse online home sale websites (Rightmove, Zoopla etc.) to see what’s available locally or in an area they plan to move to. You can gain some wonderful inspiration from homes that you desire to acquire one day – if you can’t afford to relocate or don’t want to, why not simply incorporate a few ideas from houses that you admire into your present home instead?
The best advice we can give is to use all of the inspiration you uncover in your bathroom design search to accomplish one thing: get inspired. Don’t try to replicate the ideas, but rather use them to create your own unique environment. Creating your own style and understanding what you enjoy may all help you find design inspiration, so get out there and search. You never know what you might come across that will kickstart your bathroom of dreams! And if you find yourself needing a little more help take a look at our blog for bathroom inspiration or visit us in person. Each of our bathroom showrooms is filled with innovative bathroom displays from the highest quality manufacturers.