7 Tips to Achieve Minimalist House Design


Minimalist House Design 2

Most Canadians spend over $2,000 and an average of $13,000 on home renovations. However, emerging trends suggest that less is more, as 87% of Canadians want to live a simpler life, with 40% reporting that their cluttered space drains their energy. 

Minimalism is the new trend, and fortunately, you don’t need much money to achieve it. Instead, it can even help you save money. This lifestyle is all about simplicity and grace. Here’s what you need to do. 


We use less than 80% of our items, creating a cluttered and overcrowded space. A minimalist home design is known for simplicity and open spaces, the opposite of a messy environment. To truly achieve an elegant house, you need to declutter. Here are some of the techniques you can try:

  • Prioritize functional items
  • Organize and group similar items 
  • Remove trash
  • Try the 12-12-12 challenge by throwing away, selling, and donating 12 items each.

Besides decluttering strategies, you can also rent storage units to keep your belongings. Self-storage is an affordable option if you can’t part with some items but don’t have space for them in your house. Their monthly charges can be as low as $35 for a small unit but rise to $200 for larger rooms. However, these costs can also vary according to your area. In Canada’s most expensive cities, like Toronto, a 10′ x 10′ facility can cost anywhere between $190 to $395 monthly.

On the other hand, storage charges in more affordable cities like Kelowna, BC, start from $112. You can get large 10′ x 20′ units in this city for around $323, giving you an affordable price and more space. However, it would be best to look up self storage Kelowna BC facilities to get the best prices and discounts. Look for customer testimonials and check for the following factors: 

  • Climate-controlled environment
  • Accessible timings 
  • Payment plans 
  • Security 
  • Distance from your home

By implementing appropriate decluttering strategies, you can clear your space and achieve a minimalist design. It may be challenging for some to remove specific items, but renting storage can help you keep items that hold sentimental value. These storages ensure the mess stays out of your house without compelling you to throw away your belongings. 

Use Monochromatic Theme

A minimalistic color scheme is primarily neutral shades. They are light-colored and create the illusion of a more expansive space by reflecting more sunlight. These include white, beige, or pastel colors. However, it would be best to pursue a monochromatic theme that uses various shades of the same color rather than creating a contrast between different hues. 

Applying this color palette eliminates the issue of color clashes and immediately creates a simple space. This theme is easy to design and coordinate. It also shifts the focus from the surroundings and onto the objects. Since you have fewer objects to create a minimalistic look, a monochromatic theme ensures they are the focal point.

Minimalist House Design 1

Avoid Bulky Furniture 

Remember that less is more, and filling your space with too much bulky furniture is the opposite of minimalism. Instead, you want sleek and fewer furniture pieces to create a more open and breathable room. 

It would help if you focused on simplicity and functionality to choose the right furniture for a minimalistic look. Pieces that serve multiple purposes, like transforming tables, hidden storage/seating, or lamps attached to tables. Using these types of items minimizes clutter and lets you choose specific items. Suppose you have a bookcase with a table that folds down. This item eliminates the need for a separate study table, creating a more minimalistic and open space.

Maximize Natural Light  

Daylight creates a welcoming atmosphere by brightening up your space. It eliminates the shadows of your room and accentuates the colors of your walls, making them appear more vivid. Light highlights every crevice of your room and creates the illusion of a bigger space. Studies also prove that the amount of light affects a human’s perception of dimensions. They report that the apparent size of your room increases with the amount of light that is illuminating it. 

You can maximize the light by installing large windows that serve as a simplistic design element. You can increase the appeal of your room by installing bay or picture windows that improve your connection to the outdoors, providing a scenic view. However, it would be best to avoid heavy drapes and blinds to maintain the simplicity of these windows. 

Use Simple Decorations 

Avoid overcrowding your walls and tables with a plethora of decorations. Instead, you can utilize the rule of three and group similar items to create a more prominent impact. Your brain prefers things set in odd numbers, which is why you only need up to three items together to create appealing and memorable visuals. 

Keep it simple, and don’t hang more than three paintings on the wall. Choose small pots and plants, a vase, or cushions and throws. You can use them as accents if your room has a monochromatic theme to make them the focal point and give your room a pop of color.

Make Empty Spaces

Negative space refers to purposely leaving space to bring attention to the objects present in the room. On the other hand, positive space relates to the items that fill the room. There must be a balance between these two variables to create an aesthetic home design. 

You can’t overcrowd or leave a room barren. Instead, you can increase the distance between furniture and keep it all symmetrical to create a sense of balance. This strategy distributes the positive space evenly across the entire room and eliminates cluttered corners that appear too congested.

Have A Layout 

A well-designed space ensures every item and furniture fits well together. A floor plan is crucial for creating an open room, allowing maximum light to pass through. On the other hand, haphazardly throwing everything together can create congestion and make your room messy. It would be best to assign a place for each item to properly utilize space and maximize functionality. For example, setting a study table near a window creates a study corner with the best lighting. 


While styling a minimalist house, keep repeating the ‘less is more’ theory and see the difference it makes. This interior design focuses on making the most of what you have and creating a functional space. You don’t have to break the bank and splurge on a ton of new furniture to make a visually appealing house. Instead, the true elegance is simplicity.

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