Despite our planet being over 70% water, it’s a rather expensive and in-demand product. In fact, the average household in the UK spends over £400 on water each year whilst many communities worldwide don’t even have access to clean running water. However, many people are now trying to set themselves goals to reduce their water usage for environmental reasons and to reduce their water bills. So, let’s take a look at how you can do just that yourself.
Fix Any Plumbing Leaks
Water leaks are very common in households up and down the country. They usually occur with old piping under sinks, and if you’re currently having issues, it means you’re wasting a lot of water than you would otherwise use during your daily routine. To get it sorted, you need to call a team of professional local plumbers as this can help you save money in the long-term.
Have Showers Instead of Baths
Having a nice hot bath after a long day at work is relaxing and yes we totally get it. But baths are not so good for the environment nor your water bills. A bath uses twice as much water as a shower, which means showers are much cheaper to have.
Don’t Leave Your Taps Running Unnecessarily
Of course, this is a completely obvious one, but a lot of us leave our taps running when they really don’t need to be. A good example of this is when you brush your teeth and wash your hands. Both are hugely wasteful exercises, but we’re not telling you to stop doing either.
These 2 tasks are incredibly tedious, so we don’t notice the amount of water going down the drain. The key to reducing water is to get yourself into a habit and make an effort to tap the taps off, and over time it will become second nature.
Make Most of The Rain
Seeing as we don’t have the best of weather in the UK, why not make the most of the rainwater that comes down on us? You could invest in a water butt that captures rainwater. You could then purify and filter it so you can use it in your home or leave it untreated to water your garden during the summer months.
Wash Your Car Differently
Most of us now wash our cars with hoses or jet washers and for good reason too. They’re both great for cleaning and leave our sets of wheels looking fresh and brand new. But hoses and jet washers use an incredible amount of water and are far from environmentally friendly. To save water and ultimately some money off your bill, you’re far better off switching back to using a bucket of warm soapy water and a sponge.
Fully Load Your Washing Machine and Dishwasher
Hopefully, a priority is keeping your clothes and dishes clean but washing both uses a huge amount of water. So, instead of washing your clothes and dishes every single day, why not refrain and wait until you have a full load of both to save water. This way, not only will you save on water but electricity too.
Store Water in Your Fridge
During the summer months, cold water usually comes out of our taps a little warmer than we’d like it to. When we want cold water, we need to let the tap run for a few seconds before it cools down but this, in turn, wastes a lot of water. An easy way of avoiding this is by filling up a few bottles of water and storing them in your fridge for when you need a drink.
Easier Than You First Thought?
As you can see, reducing the amount of water you use is really easy. Not only is it good for the environment but can vastly reduce how much your monthly water bill is. Ultimately, by making these small changes you’re saving money and helping reduce the impact we have on our planet and we’re sure you’ll agree; that’s very important.