4 Businesses an Interior Design Company Would Benefit From Partnering With


If you run an interior design company, then it’s important to know how to make the most out of it. This involves a number of best practices, one of which is partnering up with the right people. When you do this, you could be exposed to many more potential clients. You could also make your services more valuable because you’ll be a one-stop shop to some degree. Take a look below to see the four businesses that an interior design company would benefit from partnering up with and go ahead to give your business a boost.

1. Florists

To start off, your business could benefit immensely from partnering with florists. This is because flowers are adored by people across the nation, and so they’re likely to be in high demand for people having the interior of a home or a business designed. Note that 69% of Americans say that the sight and smell of flowers can give them a mood boost, according to the Society of American Foresters. When you find a reliable florist in your area, you’ll have an easier time getting jobs done where the client wants flowers to be included.

2. Real Estate Agencies

Another business that you could benefit from partnering with as an interior designer is a real estate agency. You can benefit from this partnership because real estate agencies typically have access to a number of homes on the market. Your role in this partnership is to help people get their homes in an impeccable state before they sell them, so they can get a better price. In this regard, people who buy fixer-uppers may be your biggest and most lucrative references.

Another group of potential clients that you could get is people who buy homes to live in, but want to improve them so that they fit their needs better. One of the best ways for you to find real estate agencies to work with is to check platforms like LinkedIn. With over 500 million members spread around the world, LinkedIn is mainly a social network for career professionals and businesses.

Businesses to Partner 2

3. Moving Companies

As an interior designer, you can also benefit immensely from partnering up with moving companies. This is because when people either buy a home or move into a new rental, most of them will often want to give the new home a touch of their personality. With the average American citizen moving more than 11 times during their lifetime, it’s easy to see that you could get many clients as a result of partnering up with a reputable moving company or two.

4. Architects

Last but not least, you can boost your business by partnering up with architectural businesses. This is because an architect’s job is to design a building, either a home or a commercial one. They work on making sure that the spaces are the right size and the entire building has a good flow. Once they’re done, their clients may request the help of an interior designer to help them bring out the fine details of the new space. As such, you’ll have access to these clients when you partner up with an architectural company. While some clients want to pick the colors, do the design, and organize the furniture themselves, a good number of them don’t.

When looking for businesses to partner with, don’t forget that the reputation of your own business will be reliant on them. This makes it important for you to choose only those businesses that can deliver and make a positive impression on all your clients. It’s best to take your time and try out each business that you’d like to partner with before you commit for the long term and possibly end up losing clients and regretting the partnership.

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