Mold Remediation: Can You Clean Up Mold Yourself?


Mold Eemediation

The answer is yes but…unfortunately, there had to be a “but” somewhere. It actually depends on the level of mold build up in your house or commercial building. Even a minor mold infestation is risky to your health let alone a major build-up. Let’s talk more about molds including mold remediation methods

What’s a Mold?

Molds are fungi that grow almost everywhere provided there is moisture and other conducive conditions. They are actually essential in breaking down dead organism but then again, they are a health problem to human beings. A severe mold infestation will often release spores into the air which can cause issues such as allergic reactions, runny nose, and sneezing, irritation, etc.
What’s a Mold
From a structural point of view, molds are also a problem in that they destroy structures and the aesthetic side of buildings, another reason why they shouldn’t be let to grow. Any home can have molds growing but the goal is to do a mold cleanup before it spreads to other places.

Mold Remediation

There are many ways of mold remediation depending on the level of mold growth: The first and simplest is to do a mold clean-up yourself. Yes, you can do mold remediation yourself!

Cleaning Up Molds Yourself

Doing mold clean up on your own is ideal if the growth is mild or rather if you can spot them early. You can easily identify mold as black spots that grow in damp places around the house. If you haven’t seen mold before, you can test a suspected area using household bleach. Just dab a few drops in the area and wait for about two minutes. If the area lights up, chances are its mold!

You can begin the process of mold remediation using a sharp tool plus a mold cleaner but this will only work if the infestation is manageable. In the case the mold growth is severe, you will need to roll up your sleeves and get to work or seek professional help for proper mold removal. If you are looking for professional mold removal in Charleston SC then you should go for Disaster Plus.

Handling large Mold infestations

Handling large Mold infestations
Larger mold infestations require caution to avoid contaminating other unaffected spaces and most importantly to avoid inhaling higher concentrations of the spores. Here are a few tips to follow when handling heavily infested areas:

  • Wear safety gear, including a mask, google, gloves and heavy clothes, etc.
  • Moisten the moldy areas before the cleanup to avoid inhaling the spores
  • Open the windows to ventilate the house while working
  • Tape and dispose of mold infested debris in garbage bags
  • Clean up well after the mold removal procedure

That’s it! Mild mold cleanup isn’t hard after all as long the growth is at controllable levels. It is, however, advisable to do regular cleanup and to avoid damp places in your house or commercial space where molds might thrive. Also, you can find a mold remediation pro in case you are struggling with severe mold infestation in your premises. That said, be wary of mold remediation companies that purport to be experts but only interested in minting cash from your situation!

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