4 Cautionary Signs That Your Home is at Risk of an Electrical Fire


Electrical Fire

You can easily avert electrical fires in your house by being vigilant and knowing what to look for. You will know if your house is at risk of an electrical fire if you smell or see the following signs:

  • Circuit breakers that keep tripping.
  • Continuing burnt smell with no distinguishable source.
  • Several charred or discolored wall outlets and switches.
  • You have outdated, old wiring.

1. Circuit Breakers That Continuously Trip

A circuit breaker’s primary function is to cut off the electricity flow to your home to prevent a circuit from overheating and causing an electrical fire.
Circuit Breakers That Continuously Trip
If you have a circuit breaker that incessantly keeps tripping, it could mean one of the following three things:

  • The appliances, which are connected to the circuit, is drawing too much current, leading to an electrical overload).
  • There is a short circuit at some point in your circuit wiring or an appliance, which must be repaired by a qualified electrician.
  • The circuit breaker itself is malfunctioning and needs replacement.

Do not keep resetting your circuit breaker when it incessantly trips. At some point, the breaker will malfunction and discontinue tripping. If your breaker is not tripping, an electrical overload can overheat the wiring insulation and start an electrical fire. Instead, call a licensed electrician such as Pulse Electrical to find the root of the issue.

2. Continuing Burnt Smell With No Distinguishable Source

If you are smelling a burnt odor in your home but have no idea where it is coming from, the chances are good that you may have a short circuit, possibly the result of a loose connection or faulty and outdated wiring. A short circuit is the foremost causes of electrical fires in homes according to the US Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC).

3. Several Charred Or Discoloured Wall Outlets And Switches

Faulty wiring or loose connections in your house lead to arcing and sparking, which is the reason for small fires that discolor or char the outlet. Do not attempt to find the root of the problem or open the circuits yourself. Call an Chicago Electrician immediately to fix the problem.
Several Charred Or Discoloured Wall Outlets And Switches

4. You Have Outdated, Old Wiring

If your house is fifty plus years old and the wiring has never been updated, your home is posing a risk of an electrical fire, and this is why. According to the CPSC, various outdated houses with old wiring are not able to handle the electrical load (amperage) required for contemporary, power-hungry house appliances. Such an electrical overload can result in wiring overheating and spark fires on the adjacent materials. If the wiring in your house is outdated, you will need to hire an electrician to rewire the entire house.


Do not play with fire, so to speak and attempt DIY for electrical-related issues in your home. It is not the same as dealing with drywall, for instance. Electrical issues are hazardous and can lead to severe injury or damages to your home. Electricians are equipped with the expertise and tools to tackle any electrical problems.

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